VCET TechZette – विसीईटी ज्ञानपत्र


📅 Date: 14/09/2023

⏰ Time: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM


The VCET TechZette - विसीईटी ज्ञानपत्रa ( , a dynamic technical blog, serves as a digital hub for insightful discourse, featuring a plethora of technical articles contributed by esteemed faculty members, subject matter experts, and the ingenious endeavors of students ranging from the second to final year. In a distinctive inauguration event under the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering and Technology (VCET), with Chief Guest Mr. Rahul Mhatre, the unveiling of this specialized platform was a momentous occasion marked by eager anticipation and dynamic exchange. Students, faculty, and distinguished guests converged to herald the introduction of this innovative technical blog. Through TechZette, contributors embark on a journey to share their technical expertise, pioneering insights, and actively engage with the broader community on intricate topics encompassing AI, data science, and beyond. This event underscored the college's unwavering commitment to fostering a culture of collaborative learning and extending intellectual discourse beyond conventional boundaries. As the inaugural posts went live, it marked the commencement of an enriching journey, poised to propel understanding and catalyze further exploration in the ever-evolving realms of technology and innovation.


  • Event: Inauguration of VCET TechZette - विसीईटी ज्ञानपत्र (
  • Chief Guest: Mr. Rahul Mhatre
  • Key Highlights:
    • Launched a dynamic technical blog featuring technical articles from faculty, experts, and students
    • Provides a platform for sharing expertise, insights, and fostering collaborative learning
    • Covers topics in AI, data science, and other technical areas
    • Marks the college's commitment to promoting intellectual discourse and exploration of technology
    • Inaugural posts went live, commencing an enriching journey into the realms of innovation